nwn hotu mirror puzzle

Permalink. So I heard of a bunch of multiplayer fixes and workarounds were posted around the internet. Hordes of the Underdark Walkthrough.

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HotU has a couple significant obstacles that prevented it from being classified as a multiplayer campaign. In a medieval world filled with forgotten treasures, there's sure to be hidden dangers.

Gargamesh fight in the Mimic Puzzle room of Hotu. User Info: Wildehart. The southern of the two mirrors in the middle of the east wall produces your "evil twin". Here's the trick:At the opening "dream sequence" cut scene the host will be teleported to his room at the inn but the rest of the players will NOTthe host then activates the "cheat console":type the (it's the key above the tab key) and then type DebugMode 1Each player still in the dream sequence now types:dm_jumptopoint 50 25 q2a_yproomsAfter the drow battle near the well, the players will have to open the console again and this time typedm_jumptopoint 15 25 Area001When I get the complete list of jump commands I will list them here as an update.

One of the sub-quest in Chapter 2 of Hordes of the Underdark involves wacking the Beholder Tyrant. Found this on another forum from a NWN player 420 - HotU has a couple significant obstacles that prevented it from being classified as a multiplayer campaign. 3+ Illithids or even Ulitharids in BG 2 meant almost certain death for at least one char in the party, in NWN they're pathetic. How do I solve the mirror puzzle? well there are always console commands. Buy it on Amazon! If anyone had a copy of a fix or workaround (Ive heard something about a ceros) please post it here, or post a link. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. Even by buffing myself and setting the game on easy. Host system enters debug mode by typing:`DebugMode 12. By far, the most prevalent problem was that a certain Preston Watamaniuk, who is strangely absent from the credits in the HotU manual, used GetFirstPC instead of GetPCSpeaker for all conversation based scripts he wrote. 5 - Color Puzzle: the two drow who started bashing the door in the cutscene are still here, so take them out. Before killing the mimic in chapter 3 everyone, except the main character, should save the game and then individually go and load the game in single player, kill the mimic, export their character after picking up the demon hand then rejoin the multiplayer game and help the main character kill the mimic. All rights reserved. It takes a little intervention by the player hosting the game (the DM as it were) but it IS doable. But I can always summon elementals with elemental swarm and I have my pet. This may seem cumbersome but it actually takes VERY little time. Host system exits debug mode by typing:`DebugMode 0Notes:=====The x in the above command should be replaced by the x-coordinate number of the map location.The y in the above command should be replaced by the y-coordinate number of the map location.The areacode in the above command should be replaced by the Tagname of the area. Once the cut-scene is done and the main character is in the Inn room then everyone else can enter the game. You'll also find four pedestals and a pool. By far, the most prevalent problem was that a certain Preston Watamaniuk, who is strangely absent from the credits in the HotU manual, used GetFirstPC instead of GetPCSpeaker for all conversation based scripts he wrote.

A hideous evil has awoken in the Forgotten Realms. Advertisement . After some play and fun, we noticed things weren't going too hot. © Valve Corporation. Warning - may contain general game spoilers.Here's the procedure again:1. My friend's companion would just bug the hell out and stuff like that. Sadly however, I was too late and most of the websites were totally wiped. In the red wizard area with the mirrors there is not enough mirrors to move to target the other platform, there is 2 mirrors that are never used at all either a diagram or anything would be helpful. In the red wizard area with the mirrors there is not enough mirrors to move to target the other platform, there is 2 mirrors that are never used at all either a diagram or anything would be helpful. Slap the Cowl of Warding (mind immunity) onto your head and watch them fall. Image Gallery (HOTU) NWN Wallpaper; Expansions Wallpaper; Game Resources . Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. (I may be off slightly on the co-ordinates for the second command).Bottom line is that this DOES work, making HotU playable in multiplayer!!!! The "Ragged cloak of the Worg" ports henchmen to you but not PC party members (not really a big deal).

8 - Hall of Mirrors: Daelan's body is in the southern part of the room (500XP for resurrecting). Can we get our gear back, like in NWN HotU? Downloads; Neverwinter Nights Forum; Buy The Game .

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