play for today titles

A Brush With Mr. Porter On The Road To El Dorado, Pye Award for Best Writer New to Television, 1982. The Winner of the BBCtv Student Play Competition. Exists only as a domestic video recording. As they talk in the hotel lobby, the boundaries between fantasy and reality begin to blur and overlap.

He directed the Doctor Who serial The Keys of Marinus. Their really big event is the Christmas pantomime, only this year they have lost their star. He is best known for his BBC TV serials Pennies from Heaven (1978), The Singing Detective (1986), and the television plays Blue Remembered Hills (1979) and Brimstone and Treacle (1976). Upcoming Lyrics. The series was transmitted regularly from October 1965 to May 1979, before returning for the summer seasons of 1982 and 1983. DAVID ROLINSON. The series as a whole was viewed with suspicion by rightwing commentators and critics as many of the issues tackled were the subject of political controversy. From the novel by David Storey. Both versions star Denholm Elliott.

‘Play For Today: Plaintiffs & Defendants’ (BBC1, 14 October 1975), one of ten Play For Today titles added to the BFI Mediatheque this year in association with the Forgotten Television Drama project. Both Sarah in the past, and Julia now, could do this for him.

He exudes happiness and confidence like a rare blossom. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. Repeated 20 Dec 1973 and on BBC2 11 Aug 1993. An amateur operatic society is preparing a Gilbert and Sullivan production, and someone new is needed for the role of Jack Point - but who will break this to the veteran who's always done it?

Scum and Brimstone and Treacle were eventually transmitted, although in the meantime both had circumvented their withdrawal by being re-made as cinema films. The story of a defiant football manager in terminal decline. The Guardian - TV News

BBC television dramas have been produced and broadcast since even before the public service company had an officially established television broadcasting network in the United Kingdom. A fifty-year-old factory worker leaves his wife of many years for another woman. "Fifteen years since I was forced t' leave, forced t' leave me roots, the territory of me heart." It is from this series that the song is named.

Pebble Mill at One was a British television magazine programme that was broadcast live on weekdays at one o'clock on BBC1, from 2 October 1972 to 23 May 1986, and again from 20 October 1991 to 25 May 1996.

However, despite its knavish title, I Can’t See My Little Willie proved to be…

A good piece of drama looks at the human condition, and tells us something we should know about ourselves." Playwright Martin Ellis intends to write a play about a call girl visiting a client at a hotel. Potter is widely regarded as one of the most influential and innovative dramatists to have worked in British television. Why does Sylvia Payne , with her successful husband and luxurious home, get in such a flap about her daughter's school friend coming to visit? There were also some groups of plays transmitted that — for various reasons — did not go out under the Play for Today banner, but which were funded from the same department, used much the same production team and are generally regarded in episode guides and analysis as being part of the Play for Today 'canon'.

The Teleprompter Interview: Michael Smiley ‘I Still Get Recognised Most for Tyres in Spaced’, 24 October 2019 Mother Bear has escaped. Every Sunday, Malcolmson - a divorced man - takes his children to the zoo. After ten years of trying, Lavinia, and a large team of medics, finally manage to produce a live baby. Some were written directly for the series, but most were adaptations of already-published stories.

Shubik continued with the series until 1973 [1] while MacDonald remained with the series until 1977 when he was promoted. Missing except for domestic audio recording.

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