ferret meaning

Ferret definition, a domesticated, usually red-eyed, and albinic variety of the polecat, used in Europe for driving rabbits and rats from their burrows. The online version of the Collins Dictionary has just been updated again, with another batch of new words and meanings inspired by the events of the summer. Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. The common name “ferret” includes any of a group of animals in the Weasel family, including the Black Footed Ferret of North America, and the European Polecat.

We can ferret out the mouse with the aid of the cat. I've been ferreting around the attic trying to find my old photo albums. Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?

And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. Are You Learning English? Ferret definition: A ferret is a small, fierce animal which is used for hunting rabbits and rats. We ferreted the truth out after we finished our investigation. chutney ferret offensive slang A homosexual male. Now that I'm a successful actress, I'm worried about what the media will ferret out about my tawdry past. To look or sort through something or some place, especially in search of something. See more.
2. Last 300 years, to hunt (rabbits, rats, etc) with ferrets. I tried very hard, but I couldn't ferret the information out of the clerk. They have sharp intuition and their sensitivity is acute, they are able to see and know the hidden meaning behind every-thing.

Copyright © 2010 by ("Chutney" is a slang term for sodomy.) Ferrets have a fine sense of smell, and can see clearly in the dark, linking them to the underworld where the secrets of creation are kept.

All Years It is typically albino in coloration, but sometimes brown. Ferret Spirit Animal Meaning. The detective ferreted out the sequence of events by questioning all of the witnesses.

I've been ferreting around the attic trying to find my old photo albums. From moonshoot to balconing: discover the latest words added to the Collins Dictionary. 1A domesticated polecat used chiefly for catching rabbits. Mustela furo, family Mustelidae; descended mainly from the European polecat. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you, a straw will show which way the wind blows, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Ferret Category Presents Opportunity to Boost Sales, Ferrets as Models for Influenza Virus Transmission Studies and Pandemic Risk Assessments, FERRET CRAZE; Number of 'mischievous mammals' being kept as pets soars in Ireland, A ferret is fur life; ..not just fur Christmas, so think carefully before buying one as a pet, says expert, Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies against Immunoglobulin Proteins of the Domestic Ferret (Mustela putorius furo), Woman's anger at RSPCA after ferret bites her hand, It's all in a name for road rescue ferret; NEWS IN BRIEF, Prairie dog aboveground aggressive behavior towards black-footed ferrets, Ferrets' wedding on the world wide web; Furry friends tie the knot at lavish event, GIVE A PET A HOME: Meet the ferrets from the RSPCA, fence (someone or something) off from (something), festoon (someone or something) with (something), Ferret Enthusiasts Responsible Rescue and Education Team, Ferret Friends Disaster Response International, Ferret Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cell.

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