johnny cash songs stand my ground

The song was co-written by Petty and Jeff Lynne, also his writing partner for the album. He liked to bring people together".[25]. [6][7] Smith claimed not to have heard "I Won't Back Down" before writing "Stay with Me",[8] but acknowledged the similarity after listening to the song, calling it "a complete coincidence". Scrobbling is when tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. The song was also played at an event for Republican Connecticut gubernatorial nominee, Tom Foley. "I Won't Back Down" Single by Tom Petty from the album Full Moon Fever B-side "The Apartment Song" The song was also used at campaign events for Congressman Ron Paul of Texas during the 2008 Republican presidential primary campaign, as well as for events for his Campaign for Liberty. 2 0 obj

[9][10] Petty and Lynne were not eligible for a Grammy Award ("Stay with Me" was nominated for three awards at the 57th annual ceremony, winning two of them) as the Recording Academy considered "Stay with Me" to have been interpolated from "I Won't Back Down" by Smith, James Napier, and William Phillips, the writers of "Stay with Me"; Petty and Lynne were instead given certificates to honor their participation in the work, as is usual for writers of sampled or interpolated work.[11].
The letter stated: "Trump was in no way authorized to use this song to further a campaign that leaves too many Americans and common sense behind. It was released in April 1989 as the lead single from his first solo album, Full Moon Fever. Between Unchained and the recording of this album, Cash’s health had deteriorated significantly. George W. Bush used "I Won't Back Down" at campaign events during the 2000 presidential campaign but was compelled to stop using the song after receiving a cease and desist letter from Petty's publisher. Most times you catch it before it gets out the studio door but in this case it got by. Leave feedback, Johnny Cash (born J.R. Cash; February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003) was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor, and author. 4 0 obj The Man in Black, one of the most influential country music stars of the 20th century, was the son of a farmer and was raised during the height of … The letter stated: "Trump was in no way authorized to use this song to further a campaign that leaves too many Americans and common sense behind. Sam's people were very understanding of our predicament and we easily came to an agreement".

[Verse 1]
<> �4��$�'�Lf�ge���\�:b#b f��:Y��^���p�#ʜC�B�3����٪>? It reached number 12 on the Billboard Hot 100 and topped the Album Rock Tracks chart for five weeks, starting the album's road to multi-platinum status. It reached number 12 on the Billboard Hot 100 and topped the Album Rock Tracks chart for five weeks, starting the album's road to multi-platinum status.

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out Hey I will stand my ground and I won't back down. Johnny Cash (born J.R. Cash; February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003) was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor, and author. Going to stand my ground, won't be turned around List of songs that have been the subject of plagiarism disputes, "Mariah Carey, Springsteen, Other Stars Sing For America On Telethon", "Sam Smith: Tom Petty given writing credit for Stay with Me", "Tom Petty on Sam Smith Settlement: 'No Hard Feelings. -�Jj�����1��lA�z͚6�!� ��zW҂�m8��=��. In a world that keeps on pushin' me around Let us know what you think of the website.

stream You can stand me up at the gates of hell But I won't back down [Verse 2] Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down Gonna stand my ground and I won't back down [Chorus] Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out Hey I will stand my ground and I won't back down [4], In January 2015, it was revealed that an agreement had been reached whereby Petty and Jeff Lynne would be credited as co-writers of Sam Smith's song "Stay with Me" and receive 12.5% of its royalties. Tom Petty would never want a song of his used for a campaign of hate. A message of defiance against unnamed forces of difficulty and possibly oppression, the lyric is set against a mid-tempo beat: Due to its themes, the song was played often on American radio following the September 11 attacks. Both the late Tom Petty and his family firmly stand against racism and discrimination of any kind. These Things Happen, "The only person Sam Smith didn't thank at the Grammys deserves a lot of credit", "Sam Smith explains why he settled copyright dispute with Tom Petty", "Tom Petty awarded songwriting royalties for Sam Smith's "Stay With Me, "Sam Smith: Tom Petty given writing credit for Stay With Me", "Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne added to credits of Sam Smith's 'Stay With Me, – Tom Petty – I Won't Back Down", – Tom Petty – I Won't Back Down", "Tom Petty Chart History (Mainstream Rock)", "Tom Petty Chart History (Alternative Airplay)", – Tom Petty – I Won't Back Down", "The ARIA Australian Top 100 Singles Chart – 1989", "Top Singles - Volume 51, No. Cash’s cover of the signature song by Tom Petty, who plays guitar and sings back-up vocals on Cash’s version. [4], In January 2015, it was revealed that an agreement had been reached whereby Petty and Jeff Lynne would be credited as co-writers of Sam Smith's song "Stay with Me" and receive 12.5% of its royalties. Well I won't back down, no I won't back down [2] Petty and the Heartbreakers played a quiet but resolute version of the song at the America: A Tribute to Heroes telethon following the 2001 attacks. You can stand me up at the gates of hell Well I won't back down, no I won't back downYou can stand me up at the gates of hellBut I won't back downGonna stand my ground, won't be turned…. [2][3], In the 2007 documentary Runnin' Down a Dream, Petty said that he felt some initial hesitation about releasing the song, given its clear and unabashed message. These Things Happen, "The only person Sam Smith didn't thank at the Grammys deserves a lot of credit", "Sam Smith explains why he settled copyright dispute with Tom Petty", "Tom Petty awarded songwriting royalties for Sam Smith's "Stay With Me, "Sam Smith: Tom Petty given writing credit for Stay With Me", "Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne added to credits of Sam Smith's 'Stay With Me, – Tom Petty – I Won't Back Down", – Tom Petty – I Won't Back Down", "Tom Petty Chart History (Mainstream Rock)", "Tom Petty Chart History (Alternative Airplay)", – Tom Petty – I Won't Back Down", "The ARIA Australian Top 100 Singles Chart – 1989", "Top Singles - Volume 51, No.

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[24] The song was also played at the 2012 Democratic National Convention after a speech delivered by President Bill Clinton, in which President Barack Obama came out on stage to salute him. In a world that keeps on pushing me around

Hey I will stand my ground and I won't back down, Well I know what's right, I got just one life General CommentJohnny's right, my hair stands on end when I hear this song.

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