thankful for the cross

The cross is never pleasant, but if we know what God is up to, it is never simply painful either. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Counting My Blessings  – at the Intersection of Faith and Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. I heard in a regional gathering of Bible teachers as they shared how God was working in the lives of It gives me hope for an eternal future. requesting a meeting with her. Please for a moment think about being NAILED to a cross. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Goodnight sense of impending doom.” This is how so many of us see sleep right now: A blissful break from the fear and anxiety of pandemic life — if we are lucky enough to be able to sleep. The people suffered from snake bites, but when they gazed upon the cross, they were healed. necks or have them displayed on their cars. Christians are thankful for the cross because if it were not for it, our future would be hopeless instead of hopeful. May we focus on and be humbled by that thought every day. come home after ‘release time’ excited to tell her sister that Jesus died on the cross for each of them! And because of the cross I found my answers. It is the fear of crosses which gives weight to the cross.
Please for a moment think about being NAILED to a cross. But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. Those who are saved are thankful for the cross because its power to convict us is stronger than any law man could impose. I am so thankful for Christ’s unfailing love for me. You just never know when it may truly change a life! And guess what? cross of Christ - a symbol of life, hope and peace. When He appeared in human form, He humbled Himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Colossians 2:13–14, “His brokenhearted cry on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” shows God’s heart toward sinners.” John R. Rice. Their plan has worked! … I remember the first time I saw The Passion of the Christ. Never miss a post! In the Gospel for the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, Jesus compares the cross to the serpent Moses lifted up in the desert.

In this time of pandemic, we have been poisoned also — poisoned by the virus, but also by the constant anxiety we are living under. It assures me of God’s forgiveness. To remember the story we are in, all we have to do is look at the cross, the sign God is lifting up to take the poison away. Two of my children recently posted two very different attitudes toward the cross. It’s the story of a God who became man, died for us, then left that cross as the place where he unites himself to us in our suffering.

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