This implies that the biomedical framework, although having engendered ‘success stories’ like the era of antibiotics, needs to be radically revised.
[4] The therapeutic process can be greatly impeded by these oscillations, because the therapist too can come to be seen as all good or all bad. I truly wonder if “the masses” can wake up from such a pervasive hypnosis and conditioning to ride the wave of this energy shift. General Practice Research Unit, Department of Public Health and General Practice, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Thank you for this.
Bit by bit, they are consolidated into a “negative mode” which consists of the idea of “us vs them.” Even though, on the surface, it may seem that this “mode” is positive or STO, (i.e. In the double-slit experiment of 1908, a photon fired at a pair of slits passed through both simultaneously and interfered with itself. document.write(new Date().getFullYear());
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> Splitting. They are not embodied in any real sense of the term, and tend to rationalize away anything that may come up within their psyche and/or shadow-project it outwardly onto others and the world at large. It’s the archetypal spiritual battle of darkness and light, a war for control of our minds and consciousness…a conflict that is working through us. An alternative to the standard understanding of quantum mechanics, the De Broglie–Bohm theory states that particles have precise locations at all times, and that their velocities are influenced by the wave-function. 7 Signs of a Passive-Aggressive Gaslighter, 21 Ways to Help Yourself Get Unstuck Today, Google Search Predicts Big Surprise in November Election. In light of the necessity of embodiment (alongside the anchoring to higher frequencies in order to align with our unique soul purpose) as a key for opening the door into consciously-engaging with the evolution of collective consciousness, we can now see even clearer why the Matrix Control System is invested in keeping us dis-embodied and stuck in head-centric mechanical living.
“The experiment is much harder than it might seem,” says James Franson of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who was not involved in the study. So we need to be mindful not to engage in shadow projection and blame the outside world for the changes we are going through, which are essentially arising from within.
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Many people don’t pass through that first threshold of resistance and give up early in the process, or are tempted back into the matrix frequency via false light teachings and other traps and illusions. The targeting aims to put him or her back to sleep, render him powerless, or make him or lose faith in continuing his path.”.
Recently, we had an interesting discussion on the Piercing the Veil of Reality forum about the interrelationship between black magic, psychic attacks, entity interferences, and shadow projections. Other people are either all good or all bad. Feedback |
It has its own free will “right” to exist as part of creation. * Sociology
* Storytelling
[46], It has been suggested that interpretation of the transference "becomes effective through a sort of splitting of the ego into a reasonable, judging portion and an experiencing portion, the former recognizing the latter as not appropriate in the present and as coming from the past". * General techniques
You could write a separate guide of sorts for depression from your perspective and experience, incorporating that Polish psychiatrist’s views and the idea of transformation perhaps, i imagine it would touch many people who otherwise simply wander in the forums discussing what and how many pills per day they ‘re currently on.. You could also write a specific guide for sensitive people for example, from the perspective of energy sensing, overwhelming environment, and how to survive them. Individuality DOES NOT mean ego/personality identification (the false “I”), or what the matrix/official culture promotes as “Individuality” which is most often a “cult of personality”.
Over the past few years I’ve started to increasingly experience life and “reality” on a different level that is hard to even put into words.
* Happiness
Disconnected from our body and the feminine aspect of Being (and by extension, our own intuitive guidance system), we are being tricked into looking outside of ourselves for direction, thus becoming followers rather than embodied sovereign individuals.
As I wrote in Individuality, Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency: Many people have the need to follow some “figurehead”, be it a government ‘personality’, medical professional or spiritual guru.
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Killing the host in order to bring down the Cabal/Illuminati/New Word Order (as I’ve seen many “activists” proclaim) and “save humanity and the world” won’t actually change anything within the grand scheme of the Matrix Control System, but will only result in supplying the hyperdimensional overlords with the negative “food” frequency they want. And although its receptivity might seem dormant from the sensation-deprived perspective of the “known self”, it is anything but. The targeting aims to put him or her back to sleep, render him powerless, or make him or lose faith in continuing his path.
* Change Management
* Brain stuff
You can be in touch with your physical body – and indeed, have “mastery” over it – without being embodied. But although it is easy to add a third slit to the double-slit experiment, it has been more challenging to do it in a way that allows the precise measurements needed to check the validity of quantum mechanics.
The child does not experience the self and the object, nor the good and the bad as different entities.
What was once an emulsified mixture of diverse realms is separating into layers, and when the cup tilts it will be the lowest density layers that spill down the drain.
Also, you noted somewhere that in our purpose, we have to be able to ultimately see the self in everything and everything in the self, but that would be much different from the struggle to distinguish what’s real and what is not, outside of ourselves, and battle with the negative influences all around and within.. Top |
projecting bad feelings onto an
~ G.I. Standard Edition 23:271-278.
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